高一我的高中生活英语作文 英语作文 我的高中生活


我的高中生活 英语作文 回忆高中生活(High school memories)Oh.I miss my high school again.Those good old days and those hard old days.I didn't like it when I was studying there.I think all Chinese who experienced.

高一英语作文100字 所提供的开头和结尾我没写,下面是正文,仅供参考啊。你可以自己进行补充.Firstly,you should be active in class.When you answer questions in you are practicing your spoken English.So take.

我的高中生活英语作文 新学期已经开始一个多星期32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333335333663了,我慢慢地适应了高中的新生活。高中给我最大的感觉是忙碌,因为一整天都要上课,老师也会布置很多作业给我们。早上7点开始有两节早读来语文和英语。之后,上午有四节课,下午也有四节课。高中的课程比初中要多得多,如语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、历史等等。有时后我害怕看到我的课桌里有这么多的课本。除此之外,内容也比以前难得多。数学和物理对我来说是最难的。不管我多努力,我还是学不好这两科,这使得我很沮丧。因此,新学期开始我一定要改变我的学习策略,使我的学习更有效。总之,尽管忙碌,我新的学校生活依旧美好充实。The new semester has started than a week,I slowly adapted to the new life in high school.High school gave me the biggest feeling is busy all day long,because of class,the teacher will give us a lot of homework.At 7 in the morning and two morning readingto Chinese and English.After that,there are four classes in the morning,also has four classes in the afternoon.The high school curriculum is much higher。


