南京梧桐说兴衰 带着遥控跳蛋出街 完整版


南京梧桐说兴衰 1.原标题很好地概括出了文章的主要内容,一是南京梧桐在时间洪流中的兴衰变化,二是南京这座城市在历史进程里的兴衰变迁。如改换标题指向单一,只能表现出梧桐的变化。2.两处比喻都形象地写出了法国梧桐修剪后树的外形特点,同时“如伞”与后文为行人遮阳挡雨相照应,“如守陵士兵”巧妙地扣住了陵园大道这一特殊的地理位置;两处比喻都表现出作者对法国梧桐耐修剪整形这一特点的赞美。3.具体表现很多遗民借南京来追思故国的行为;自然引出下文作者的感慨,梧桐又一次成为南京兴衰的象征;为下文作者抒发对梧桐兴衰的感慨作铺垫;使文章更富有历史的厚重感(更具有文学性)。4.A:对那树遭受无情砍伐的深切同情,对人类肆意砍伐那树的无限愤慨。B:对人类文明进程中旧有风情无法留住的无奈(遗憾、惆怅),对社会、城市发展不得不破坏旧有风情的理解。

I假如你是班长李华,你打算在英语班会上谈谈身势语在交际中的重要性,并就如何使用身势语提出一些合理的建议.根据以下写一篇发言稿 I am Hua Li,and today I'm going to talk about the importance of body languages to effective communication.Communication plays a very important role not only in our daily life,but also in professional carrer.When it comes to communication,we always put a lot of emphasis on speech and written,but fail to realize that body language also plays an important role of the communication.Body language can send a lot stronger signals than words or written text.So how you're gonna use body language correctly?Here are some tips I'm going to show you:First,you need to keep smiling and make eye contact when communicating to someone.This will make others feel you are a nice person and be willing to listen to you.Then when listening to other's opinion,you need to nod your head from time to time to show you're paying attention.Last but not least,you are also encouraged to use gestures to help to express your thoughts.Hope these ideas can help you when communicating with others in the furture.第二个。

我的班长 英语作文 The boy students in our class were preparing to run for monitor.Hearing the news,we girls were full of iaterest and curiosity.We were in bigh spirits and went to listen to their competltive speech.We.

#带着遥控跳蛋出街 完整版

