大学生课外生活论文 我的业余生活写一篇作文。


大学生如何安排课余生活英语作文 How to spend the spare time as a college studentGenerally speaking,spare time,especially two-day weekends,are not only a time for us college students to relax,but also a time to improve ourselves.To test from a week’s hard work,we have plenty of recreation opportunities.We can read to our hearts’content,can go sightseeing,and can play games with our friends.Some students find parttime jobs at weekends so that they can ease their families’financial burdens.However,some students are just wasting their time.Some spend their time playing cards,and even drinking and eating with their friends.Some spend the whole weekend going traveling and feel tired when they return to school,so that their studies will be greatly affected.As a student,I think the first thing I should do is to go over the lessons.Spending two or three hours in going over lessons every weekend will give me great returns.After finishing my schoolwork,I can do many other things,for example,mountain climbing,watching 。关于大学生课外生活的英语作文 My After Class Activities I have many hobbies.And after class I usually attend many kinds of activies.My favourate activity is playing basketball.During this game,on one hand,I can build up my bod.我的大学课余生活作文 我的课余生活多资2113多彩,像小鱼在水里自5261由自在此地游泳。课余生活,我最喜4102欢弹电子琴了,“六一”儿童1653节那天,妈妈带我去买了个电子琴,我真开心啊!回到家,我迫不及待打开箱子,啊!这部电子琴真多功能啊。我开始弹得时候很慢很慢,我开始想放弃了,妈妈走过来对我说:“只要有恒心,每一件事也能做好的。我听妈妈话,我想一定要有恒心,才能把电子琴练好。从那天起我就一直练电子琴,老天不负有心人。我从很慢很慢练得很快很快了,我真开心我学会了。我的课余生活真丰富。


