求英语翻译。 1,你看起来很热情You look enthusiastic.2,你看起来很平易近人You look common touch.3,因为我们有共同的爱好,所以我想我们会有共同的语言We have the same hobby,so I think we will have some common language.4,我想你也是一个热爱生活的人I think you are also a life lover.5,我想你是一个开朗的女孩I think you are a optimistic girl.6,我想了解不同国家的饮食文化I want to see the catering culture of different countries.平易近人用英语怎么说 平易e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333363356539近人[词典]amiable and easy of approach;be simple and easy to approach;(as)common as an old shoe;easily approachable;[例句]他虽然是个名作家,却平易近人。Although he is a famous writer,he is still as common as an old shoe\"平易近人\"=amiable and easy to approach 或者 common touch例如:政治家需要有平易近人的美德.A politician needs the common touch.平易近人的 英文 平易近人的:1.maty2.approachable3.mateyeasy-going:a.随和的平易近人:amiable and easy to approachExamples:一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。A manager should be accessible to his staff.我们的班长平易近人。Our monitor is easy to approach.恐怕你听说的不太正确。要是你能亲自见见他,你就知道他不仅平易近人,而且很有能力。I'm afraid that what you were told about him is not quite right.If only you could meet him in person,you'd discover he's very agreeable and capable.他们很平易近人。They are easy of approach.我们的班长平易近人。Our monitor is easy to approach.政治家需要有平易近人的美德。A politician needs the common touch.你将会发现校长十分平易近人。You'll find the headmaster a very approachable person.你将会发现董事十分平易近人。You'll find the director a very approachable person.易于接近的人,平易近人的人a man of easy access他这个人容易接近(他平易近人)。He is easy of access.他平易近人的态度使他受到邻居们的喜爱。His folksy manner has endeared him to his neighbors。.英语翻译 Dear wife:For your I am surprised,just ecstatic,very grateful to you,your approachable to you and beautiful.Always thought that the distance between me and you so far.But I really wish that the blessing of you in silence,Thank you for my blessings,I also bless you.I am so glad now.If you are my closest friend the general.Refueling.I will always support you.Bless you.Kaka must be properly maintained after surgery for early return to Real Madrid,and C Luo these brothers fight side by side.His fans are worried about the world,I hope you must be happy.Your husband(你的名字)
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