广州地铁的到站英文提示 The direction for*,please don't train approaching near the door,please note on the space between the train and the platform.Welcome to*,please take after passengersDoor close,p GaShang arm.
广州地铁的到站英文提示怎么读? 欢迎光临XX站 welcome to xx 车门即将关闭 请耐心等候下一趟车 the doors are closing please wait for the next train 马上到站时就是:the next station is.
广州地铁站里面播报的英文是怎样说的 比如二号线。完整版。叮咚(铃声)。汉语:本次列车开往嘉禾望岗。粤语:本次列车开往嘉禾望岗。英语:This train is bound for Jiahewanggang.汉语:下一站:海珠广场。粤语:下一站:海珠广场。英语:The next station is Haizhu Square.汉语:可换乘6号线 粤语:可换乘6号线。英语:You can interchange with Line 6.汉语:去往×的乘客请准备。汉语:列车即将到达海珠广场站,下车时请小心列车与站台之间的缝隙。每种列车的报站都不一样的。