青岛英文介绍 青岛简介用英语怎么说


用英语介绍青岛的五四广场! May 4th Square is located in Donghai West Road,Southern District of Qingdao City,Shandong Province,north of the office building of Qingdao People's Government,south of Fushan Bay,covering a total area of 10 hectares.The May 4th Square was named after Qingdao as the fuse of the great May 4th Movement in modern Chinese history.五四广场位于山东省青岛2113市市南区东海5261西路,北依青岛市人民政4102府办公大楼,南临浮山湾1653,总占地面积10公顷。五四广场因青岛为中国近代史上伟大的五四运动导火索而得名。The May 4th Square is divided into two parts,north and south.It is distributed in the office building of the Municipal People's Government,the implicit fountain,the lattice fountain,the sculpture of\"May Wind\"and the marine 100-meter fountain on the central axis.五四广场分南北两部分,分布于中轴线上的市人民政府办公大楼、隐式喷泉、点阵喷泉、《五月的风》雕塑、海上百米喷泉等。扩展资料1、广场植物五四广场植物配置以四季常绿的冷季型草坪为主调,以小龙柏、金叶女贞、龟早冬青、紫叶小檗、丰花月季等。

用英文介绍青岛.简单一点就可以了. Qingdao is an excellent tourist city.It is also an important transportation hub and a seaport in east China entitled to the visa processing for overseas tourists and visa exempting for short-term(within 15 days)Japanese tourists.Qingdao has beautiful scenery and an agreeable climate.As early as in the 1920s,Qingdao became a famous tourist resort.Zigzag seashore,undulating hills,European-style red-roofed houses and green trees make the city unique.Historical sites and constantly improved modern facilities add to the attractiveness of the city.Qingdao is an excellent place for sightseers,holidaymakers and for holding business talks and exhibitions.In the west of the city is the old urban area which is known for its red-roofed houses,green trees,blue sea and azure sky;in the east is the new urban area dotted with modern high buildings.Both the old and new areas constitute a seaside city with both European and Asian landscapes.Walking along the coastal sidewalk,tourists can enjoy the 。

有没有关于青岛的英文介绍? Qingdao(simplifiedChinese:青岛;traditionalChinese:青岛;pinyin:Qī2113ngdǎo;Wade-Giles:Ch'ing-tao),well-knowntotheWestbyitsPostalmapspellingTsingtao,isasub-provincialcityineasternShandongprovince,People'sRepublicofChina.ItbordersYantaitothenortheast,WeifangtothewestandRizhaotothesouthwest.LyingacrosstheShandongPeninsulawhilelookingouttotheYellowSea,Qingdaotodayisamajorseaport,navalbase,andindustrialcenter.ItisalsothesiteoftheTsingtaoBrewery.Thecharacter青(qīng)inChinesemeansgreenorlush,whilethecharacter岛(dǎo)meansisland.ItwasrecentlynamedChina's9th-mostlivablecitybyChinaDaily.青岛(简体中文版:青岛;中国传统5261:青岛;汉语拼音4102:qīngdǎo韦德简体字:清涛)所熟1653知的西方的,由邮政地图拼写青岛,是一个副省级城市,在山东省,中国人民共和国。据烟台边界向东北,潍坊向西方和日照至西南地区。躺在横跨山东半岛,而寻找出黄海,青岛今天是一个重要的港口,海军基地和产业化中心。。


