关于travel by train的英语作文~急用~ Travel by trainIn the modern world,many people enjoy travelling around the world,some of them prefer to take the plane,while the others want to go by bus.But for me,I think travel by train is the most convenient way that everyone could access to it.First,to travel by train seems very safe,you don't need to worry about the air crash.Second,to travel by train you can see the beautiful scenery along the railway,it doesn't have a fast speed,you can enjoy this sence of softy during travel by train.Third,to travel by train won't take you too much money,there is an old proverb said,a penny saved is a penny gained.Travel by plane,its price is very high,but if you choose travel by train,you can only spend a little money to buy a ticket.I love travel。I love travel by train。乘火车去旅行的英文 怎么没有主语啊?谁乘火车去旅行啊Travel by trainTravel by plane假如你是李明,你应朋友Tony的邀请乘火车去他家旅行.请给你的父母写一封电子邮件,告诉他们你来的情况以及火车上的见闻,并谈谈你在朋友家的学习生活情况. Dear Mom and Dad:I was invited by Tony to take the train to his house.Now I have just arrived.I had a great time in the train.I ate some bread,slept for a while and drank some water.I met Tony w.我们将要坐火车去旅行英语两种写法。 It's the time to take a train home。7a64e78988e69d8331333431336233 But how we can take a train at a station?Here are the tips for you.First,find the entrance with conspicuous words\"Entering passage\".Join the long queue to the passage.When it's your turn to check in,show the collector your ticket.If your ticket is valid,you will be allowed to enter the waiting room.There are a lot of big display screens listing various shifts.Pay attention to the destination the same as it shows on your ticket.Check the start time to make sure it matches your time.Follow your ticket to wait in the line of the checkpoint indicated on your ticket.It is normally 15 minutes in advance to check tickets before the train starts.Take your seat by the seat number and have a good trip.英语翻译 Nancy trallved to Su Zhou by train last year.I hope he'll come here tomorrow.Linda,don't tell to anybody about this thing.they dicided to watch TV last night.today's weather is nice,but he doesn't go out,he stays at home
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