乌龟的一生大多都在干什么 乌龟在干什么呢


乌龟英语介绍它会干什么 Tortoise(乌龟)The tortoise was feeding very miscellan eous.At ordinary times,you give it what to eat,it what to eat.It eat first nos e with touch,see food fights,to oneself have threatened,no eating.Eati ng,it sometimes fine chew slowly swallowing.乌龟吃食很杂。平时,你给它吃什么,它 就吃什么。它吃东西时先用鼻子碰碰,看 食物动不动,对自己有没有威胁,没有就 吃。吃的时候,它有时候细嚼慢吞。The tortoise is a love of dark place,agai n like the sunshine.For milder weather,the tortoise will stretch out in t he sun,if the sunshine mobile,it will move.If it is hot,the tortoise like to dark the areas where there is water havens.Sometimes,the tortoise s imply climbed into the water to go swimming,swimming tired,it will float o n water,stilly.乌龟既喜欢阴暗的地方,又喜欢晒太阳。天气比较暖和,乌龟就伸出头晒太阳,如 果阳光移动,它就移动。如果天气很热,乌龟就喜欢到阴暗有水的地方去避暑。有 时,乌龟干脆爬到水里去游泳,游累了,它就会浮在水面上,一动不动。Winter has come,it's getting cold,。

乌龟的一生大多都在干什么 然后吃饭,闭目养神,然后让你看它闭目养神,当然,这是自养的情况,如果是野生的,应该是努力找食物,然后有机会交配下,躲避天敌以及任何危险

小乌龟为什么总是不停的想要爬出鱼缸,它想干什么呢?是不是想出来爬一爬? 你这样养。这乌龟活不久了。乌龟是两栖动物喜阴暗的地方、我以前养的乌龟都喜欢爬到我的床下和厕所里。建议你在鱼缸周围弄些挡阳光的东西 把光线弄暗。特别要注意的是不能。

