英语翻译 Do you believe that his prophecy will come true?Do you think that the number of poor countries in the world will be reduced greatly in20 years' time?Many people are envying the rich people who are on the Forbes' list.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答说。
他的预言将能成真吗?英语 他的预言将能成真吗?Will his prophecy come true?他的预言将能成真吗?Will his prophecy come true?
法蒂玛预言是否真的存在? 我也看了这本书,我感觉是存在的,但是质疑她的真实性首先你相信有上帝么?我感觉她的预言是魔鬼的毒舌