英语翻译 有道翻译:New economic age,the height of modern enterprises should strategy to grasp the logistics operation and marketing relationship.Because they are for the core competence of enterprises provide.英语翻译 In recent years,with the continuous improvement of economic level,the development of the lighting industry rapidly in china.Because of the many manufacturers,competition is intense,so the marketing strategy choice is correct or not directly related to the lighting industry's future.Many small and medium-sized enterprise marketing level is relatively backward,do not know how topromote the product by using modern marketing theory,and the advanced enterprises and other industries have a large gap.In this paper,combined with the status quo of Luoyang Yaming company,to analyze the marketing process,objective judgment of the company in the marketing of the problem.On the basis of the above analysis,using the relevant theory,combined with the actual business,scientific and reasonable formulation of marketing strategy.This paperstrives to provide valuable reference for the Chinese lamps provider market promotion,and for reference to the work of other related industries productsmarket promotion。英语翻译 (One)the international public relation is the enterprise one ofimportant strategies which wins in the international marketcompetition The international public relation carries on theinternationaliza.英语翻译 The accounting professional ethics as a guide,restricting accounting behavior,accounting personnel and social and business units and different interest group and accounting personnel of the relationship between social norms,it in the socialist market economy,especially important today.The accounting professional ethics construction of socialist moral system is an important part of the construction of socialist market economy,it is the inevitable requirement of healthy development.According to the new period,our socialist ethics construction requirements and the needs of the development of accounting work,establish and perfect the system of accounting professional ethics,the extensive publicity and education of the accounting professional ethics,and to enhance the level of the accounting professional ethics has become a top priority.Based on the accounting professional ethics construction,and discusses related issues.
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