仙霞路1380号二手房出售信息 急求一篇推销产品的英语作文


我国公民的合法财产受法律保护。下列财产,不受法律保护的是 C

用18.58.11.6算24 11*6-11+58

张先生在网上发布了一则出租房屋的信息.房屋信息见提示.假如你(马博)对这套房子感兴趣,请给房主张先生写一封e-mail,说明你的情况(可以自编).要求不少于80词. 答案:I an looking for an apartment.I'd like one not too expensive nor too far away.至于文嘛.只能帮一点.不能全抄.你的老师会发现的.你就加加减减一些吧Dear Mr Zhang,Sir,My name is(名字)and I am very interested in your apartment/house(如果是公寓就前面,屋子就后面)and hope to rent it.I am married and I got a children.Both my wife and I would like to find a place like yours,which is very close to my child's school,(中学的名字).We haven't kept a pet so you do not have to worry about making your place dirty.We have been looking for an apartment/a house,it doesn't have to be big and I think yours is quite suitable for us.It would be best if you could rent us your apartment/house,and if you are interested in this idea,you can contact me by phone.My number is(自编电话号码).I hope we can make a satisfactory agreement between us.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,(签名)不知道你满不满意.希望采纳.


