英语翻译 他们来这里干什么英文翻译


英语翻译 My first job was in the CCTV,you may ask me where I am doing,it is a major talent competition,from all over the country-wide players will gather here through their own talent competition to win the.

他们在干什么?用英语怎么说。 他们在干什么?What are they doing?

英语翻译 (1)他们在哪里?他们在教室里.他们在干什么?他们在做作业.Where are they now?They are in the classroom.What are they doing?They are doing homework.(2)你在家吗?是的.你在家看电视吗?不我在看书.Are you at home?Yes,I am.Are you watching TV at home?No,I'm reading books.(3)Jane在干什么?她在唱歌.她经常唱歌吗?是的.What's Jane doing?She is singing.Does she often sing?Yes,she does.(4)Mike and Tom在干什么?他们在踢球.他们放学后经常踢球吗?是的.What are Mike and Tom doing?They are playing football.Do they often play football after school?Yes,they do.(5)我不在听音乐,我在做卡片.I'm not listening to music,I'm making cards.拒绝机器翻译,杜绝误人子弟,对人民负责,为人民服务。(5)I will not listen to music,I do cards.

