日照游记为题目的作文 7月28日凌晨4点多,天刚蒙蒙亮。我们一家就踏上了令人期待的日照之旅。过了一会儿,太阳出来了,这灿烂的日出伴随着明媚的朝霞又为我们的这次旅行增添了几分色彩。。
求一篇英语作文,题目是《美丽的日照》 I grew up in this beautiful town of sunshine.Listen to my mother said,\"sunrise sunshine from first to get sunshine\"and its name,she has a long history and culture,is a tourism,vacation,the rest of the geomantic treasure ground.And\"blue sky,sea,Jinshatan sunshine\"is the highlight of its brightness dazzles the eyes.We here the sea is rich in spiritual,she will change with the seasons and the replacement of their outfit dress.Spring,in this full of the color of life in the season,the sea is stained in green.She smiled at the blue sky,to see their beautiful dress,be full of joy,and tumbling,hearty laughter.In the fall,she began to take on an altogether new aspect,into a quiet and modest maiden dressed in a blue dress.The sky,like a big blue silk shop in front of the visitors,brought people daydream,let visitors linger.The sea will always be my most beautiful side of the display to the people.We here the sea is tolerant.During the summer,from all sides of visitors to feel cool,comfortable 。
2010日照中考作文题目 我心目中的_____ 怎么写? 学习了《作文看得几清明》中的作文技巧,写这篇作文和玩一样!镜头法,写景法,拆分法,修辞法等等尽在《作文看得几清明》,现代教育出版社出版,作文教辅奇书,绝对震撼,令人相见恨晚!朋友,看完《作文看的几清明》你也能写出来,以后就不用在上问了。强烈推荐!我心目中的三国英雄作者:张巨远,胜坨中学六年级升七年级读了《三国演义》后,它给我留下了深刻的印象,三国里的群英们都有着雄心壮志,身上流淌着热血,散发着豪情。他们的精神深深的烙在我的心中。是谁,在官渡以少胜多挫败河北袁绍?是谁,装糊涂,宽容人,得人心,得天下?又是谁,招怀流民,迁徙人口,劝课农桑,兴修水利,检括户籍,恢复农业生产?正是因为你—魏王曹操,不断追求自己的理想,所以你的故事流芳百世,名垂千古。你是我心中敬佩的三国英雄之一。你不但在乱世中积极追求个人抱负的实现,自我不断超越,而且一生以安民定天下为己任,自己高歌:“对酒当歌,人生几何?是谁,和刘备、张飞结为兄弟,并始终重情重义,忠心耿耿地追随刘备?是谁,不忘就情,在华容道义放了曹操?又是谁,请华佗来为自己刮骨疗毒,忍着剧痛,彰显英雄无畏的本色。正是因为你—五虎上将之首的关羽。