h文我知道我再也无法满足她了 我想看特别肉的文最好描写的十分详细但不虐心可以虐身对情节描写越细致越好 文越多越好


英语作文;我的作息时间 Tom usually gets up at 6:00 every morning.Ten he has breakfast at 7:00.Aftre breakfast he goes to school at 7:20.At about 12:10,he eats lunch.Ang then,in the afternoon(arter school)he plays sports at 15:45.He goes home at 17:00.He has supper at 19:00.After all,he goes to bad at 21:00.What a nice day。Hi。My name is XXX.I get up at 6:00 every day.Then I have breakfast at 7:00.After having breakfast,I go to school at 7:20.I work hard at school.Then I go home.I have lunch at 12:10.At 15:45 I play sports with my friends.Next I go home at 17:00 and have supper at 19:00.Then I do my homework.After doing homework,I go to bed at 10:00.I get up at 6:30.Then I have my breakfast at 7:00.I go to school at 7:20.I have lunch at 12:10.I like sports.I play sports at 3:45.It can make me happy all day.I go home at 5:00.Last,I have supper at 7:00.I love my life very much.

番茄高蔓(H)对矮蔓(h)显性,红色果实(R)对黄色果实(r)显性,这两对基因独立遗传.纯合高蔓红果番茄和矮蔓黄果番茄杂交,F A、HHRR的表现型与亲本相同,A错误;B、Hhrr的表现型与亲本不同,但不能稳定遗传,B错误;C、hhRR的表现型与亲本不同,且能稳定遗传,其所占的比例为14×14=116,C正确;D、hhrr的表现型与亲本相同,且其所占比例为14×14=116,D错误.故选:C.

英语中“5W”“1H”的用法 What:什么What is this?这是什么?Where:哪里Where is the restroom?洗手间在哪里?Who:谁Who is she?她是谁?Whose:谁的Whose shoes are they?这是谁的鞋子?Why:为什么?Why is the sky so high?为什么天空那么高?How:怎(么)样How do you say\"请\"in 请”用英语怎么说?


