介绍重庆火锅的英语作文 80到120字之间 Chongqing Hot Pot:Hot pot-is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing.Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty,which is noted for its peppery and hot taste,scalding yet fresh and tender.People gather around a small pot boiled with charcoal,electric or gas filled with flavorful and nutritious soup base.You have a choice of spicy,pure and combo for the soup base.Thin sliced raw variety meat,fish,various bean curd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base.You then dip them in a little bowl of special sauce.Be careful since the spicy soup base is burning hot.First eaten by poor boatmen of the Yangtze River in Chongqing area and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan.Now is a very popular local flavor and can be found at every corner of the city.There are a great variety of hotpots,including Yueyang Hotpot,Four Tastes Hotpot,Yashan Hotpot and Fish Head Hotpot.If you are adventurous enough,you can basically cook anything with hot pot,。
欧阳公在翰林时,尝与同院出游.有奔马毙犬,公曰:\ 欧阳修在翰林院时,常常与同院他人出游.一次,见有匹飞驰的马踩死了一只狗.欧阳修说:“你们说一下这事.”一人说:“有犬卧于通衢,逸马蹄而杀之.”另一人说:“有犬卧于通衢,卧犬遭之而毙.”欧阳修笑说:“像你们这样修史,一万卷也写不完.”那二人说:“那你说呢?欧阳修道:“逸马杀犬于道.”那二人脸红地相互笑了起来.
童话 ——兄妹奇遇记(H) 作文 北风呼呼吹,丹丹觉得这风像把尖刀刺入骨髓,冷透了。她躲在一个背风的墙角里,还是冷嗖嗖的,嗳!原来身上少了件毛衣。这时走来了一个老爷爷,说道:“好孩子,别冻坏了,快到我身旁来取暖,我是火爷爷,身上很热,挨着我就不冷了。丹丹往火爷爷身边一站,果然暖和极了。丹丹说:“谢谢火爷爷。第二天,太阳出来了,火爷爷说:“现在不冷了,我要走了。说完话,他脱下衣服,变成一团火苗,慢慢地往天空飞去。丹丹一人在街上走着,突然飞来了一只鸽子,站在丹丹的肩膀上,鸽子的脚上系着一卷纸,丹丹拿下来一看,原来是石马少年和小天鹅姑娘写来的信。信上说,他们俩已经打败了自己的敌人—魔女,现在他俩已经结婚了,过着幸福的生活。另外还说道,送给丹丹一个宝石戒指,戒指套在鸽子的脚上。丹丹拿着戒指,想送给擦皮鞋的男孩子,但男孩子已经不见了。丹丹托着鸽子,亲了亲它,说了声:“谢谢你,小鸽子!就把它放了。鸽子飞远了,还不时回过头来看丹丹。哥哥还没找着哩!丹丹继续往前走。前面的小河已经冻冰了,丹丹可以从河面上过去。她低头看见清澈的冰层里,有几十个长长的、银白色的东西,便蹲下来看,啊!原来是一群小鱼,冻结在冰层中,还保持着游动的形状。丹丹自语。