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英语翻译 Einstein's leading contribution of the theory of relativity is that it has changed people's view of the world,leading people getting to understand the macro world.It is his belief in success that if his success make people consider him a crazyman or a god,he doesn't care for it at all,He has held an optimistic attitude towards future science.

贡献用英文怎么说 翻译如下2113贡献contribution;contribute;dedicate;devote;offer都可以例句这52613个儿子也为家族事4102业做出1653了贡献。The three sons also contribute to the family business

英语翻译 中文部分一走进办公室就闻到一股咖啡香,原来外籍老板贡献了自家的咖啡豆和咖啡机.咖啡对于我来说已经不是好喝不好喝的问题,只是每当我碰到的伤脑筋的事,或累的的时候,都喜欢倒上一杯咖啡捧在手上.所以我非常喜欢房间充满咖啡香的感觉.英文部分The odourof coffee pervades the air when I get into the office.One of ourforeign bosses has brought his own coffee machine and coffee bean to our office.To me,whether the coffee tastes good or not doesn't mean much,forI have got used to holding a cup filled withhot coffee when I meet with some complicated things or when I am tired during work hours.So I like the atmosphere when the room has a coffee smell.


