他太累了,开着灯就睡着了.翻译成英语 他太累了,开着灯就睡着了.He is so tired that he fell asleep with the lights on.他太累了,很快就睡着了的英语翻译是? 可以是He was so tired that he went into sleep very soon英语翻译 1.屋里所有人都睡着了.All the people in the house_were_sleep_.2.她很累,很快就睡着了.She was very tired,so she_fell_asleep_very quickly.因为睡着的说法就是fall asleep,be sleeping 且要用过去式她太累了闭上眼睛就睡着了英文翻译现在完成时 She has been so tired so she has felt asleep when she has closed the eyes.他太累了,开着灯就睡着了。翻译成英语 他太累了,开着灯就睡着了。He is so tired that he fell asleep with the lights on.如有帮助,请帮忙将我的答案选为【采纳为满意回答】,谢谢支持他太累了,开着灯就睡着了。翻译成英语? 您好,翻译为 He.fell.asleep.turn.on.the.ninght.yesterday 希望帮助您英语翻译 They were so tired that they fell asleep with TV performing.Tom used to go to school without breakfast.一楼的be used to 是习惯的意思吧,而且be used to后面接doing英语翻译 1.They decided to do as they can,until they succed.2.Mary finished her work ahead of three days.3.She was so tired that she slept while watching TV.4.Everytime playing tennis with my brother,I can beat him.5.Maddy is so excided that she cann't keep still at her seat.英语翻译 在那里我们搭起帐篷,生火取暖,烹煮食物.We put up tents,built fire and cooked food.我如此累以至于我很早就睡着了I was so tired that I fell into sleep.根据汉语意思完成句子 They felt very tired and were asleep with their TV on.To our surprise,he didn't pass the exam.
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