

南阳市那家小学生英语学习班教的好 我给我家孩子报的是一家在线英语学习叫乐知少儿英语,孩子在家补习的话很舒服他也坚持学了有一段时间了,呵呵,对我们家长来说比较不耽误事情三五个孩子一个班,专八以上专业中教,公开教学,免费旁听,专教口语的,效果有保证。

南阳师范学院的英语专业前景怎么样? 南阳师范学院英语专业很好(我和我老婆都是南阳师院的,她是英语专业的),理由如下:英语专业属于南阳师院外国语学院的王牌专业,师资力量强大,教学水平高,学生学风好,女生多,大家都爱学习,(话说当年和俺媳妇谈恋爱时,俺媳妇很爱学习,每天在外国语学院自习教室不出来,阅读英国文学,练习翻译句子,竟然达到了废寝忘食的地步,俺作为文学院的学渣自叹不如,我问媳妇为什么这么爱学习?她说:“她们班的女生都爱学习,竞争所致”。所以我觉得南阳师院外语学院的学生最爱学习),2019年在河南招生目录上,南阳师院英语专业和生物工程专业,列入本科一批招生。你能考上南阳师院英语专业,还是很好的。祝你有一个美好前程。

你的英语老师让你准备一篇介绍张衡及他的事迹的短文。请根据下面提示内容组织你的文章。 One possible versionZhangHeng,a famous astronomer in the Han Dynasty in ancient China,was born in 78AD in Nanyang County in Henan Province.He made great achievements in literature,for he collected many folk stories in his books and described the development of the cities and the people’s living conditions at that time.Besides,he also advised the governors to reduce the burden of the peasants and to improve the agricultural conditions,leading to the improvement of agriculture and people’s living standard.One of his best known inventions was the seismograph,which once accurately forecasted the earthquake in Gansu Province.It was the first machine to forecast earthquakes in the world,which made great contributions to the study of the disasters.He was so great a man that he will be remembered not only by the Chinese people but also by the world for ever.略


