作文:放寒假了,我最想做什么400字 放假了准备干什么作文寒假


放寒假了后打算做什么的英语作文 I am going to play football with my friend.I am going to shop with my parents.I usually watch TV at home.I am going to the bookstore to buy a comic book.I love holidays.I love the Spring festival.I wa.

寒假即将到来 ,假期里你通常做些什么呢?这个假期,你准备留在本地还是去外地?打算做什么?为什么。英语作文。 As the winter vacation is drawing near,I have a plan about my vacation.I'm going to do what I want to do.I'm going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term.After finishing all my homework,I'm going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge.Reading must be a good idea.I'm going to keep fit at the same time.I'll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports.I really love sports.Besides that,Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health.I'm going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.I'll learn to cook.As for travelling,I'm planning to go to Hainan.But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,I'm going to learn about history,as I'm really poor on it.

作文:放寒假了,我最想做什么400字 寒假生活 快乐的时光总是过得飞快,在不知不觉中,一个丰富多彩的快乐寒假已从我眼前飞过,但给我记忆最深的就是在爷爷村敲锣打鼓的那段印象.大年三十的那天,到处洋溢着过节的气象,人人脸上都喜气洋洋的.吃完早饭,爷爷就带着我到村里的大桥上,去敲锣打鼓.一去才发现,锣鼓队就差爷爷这个队长没到了.爷爷一到马上就开始了.“齐个隆咚呛…隆咚呛”呵呵,真好听哟。我在心里随着鼓点的节奏打着拍子,正意犹未尽,一个章节完了,哎呀,再来一次就好了,真想再饱一次耳福啊.我用期盼的目光看着爷爷,爷爷好像看懂了我的心思,又打了一遍.“齐个隆咚呛,齐个隆咚呛…”来观看的人越来越多,爷爷他们也越敲越有劲,越打越高兴,很快,第二遍也打完了.不巧打小锣的那位叔叔因为家里有事要回去,乐队无法进行了,围观的人也不会,怎么办?这时爷爷说:“我们家后继有人,来。孙女。上。可我从来没碰过这些锣鼓呀,不过爷爷常说救场如救火,我只得硬着头皮上了.旁边的一位老奶奶告诉我:“小姑娘,只要跟着节拍走就行了,不用紧张。我心里这才踏实点.锣鼓又响起来了.刚开始,我担心跟不上节拍,不敢使劲敲打,只是慢慢地在心里琢磨着拍子,仔细地听着节奏,生怕因为我一个人的失误而扰乱了全局.爷爷向我投来了鼓励的目光,很快。


