中秋节你想干什么英文作文 Septemper 14th 2008 cloudyToday is the Mid-autumn festival,I feel very happy.Many of my friends gave me mooncakes and I gave them too to show our friedship.I went shopping with my parents and there were lots of people in the street.We bought bags of things to have a happy day.During the evening we ate mooncakes and watch the moon,and we were really so happy that the whole family could get together to spend the special day.It was really a day I would remeber long.中秋节干了什么英语作文 Septemper 14th 2008 cloudyToday is the Mid-autumn festival,I feel very happy.Many of my friends gave me mooncakes and I gave them too to show our friedship.I went shopping with my parents and there were lots of people in the street.We bought bags of things to have a happy day.During the evening we ate mooncakes and watch the moon,and we were really so happy that the whole family could get together to spend the special day.It was really a day I would remeber long.他们打算在中秋节做什么?的英文 他们打算在中秋节做什么?What are they going to do in the Mid Autumn Festival?他们打算在中秋节做什么?What are they going to do in the Mid Autumn Festival?中秋节期间你打算做什么作文英语 What are you going to do on Mid-autumn festival?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。你在中秋节的时候做什么?请用英语回答这个问题。 I will eat mooncakes with my family.
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