封装芯片6 开关电源上用的一个6脚贴片芯片封装上面写着Bdf,谁能告诉我芯片名字?


你好:我是提问:6引脚的贴片芯片 封装是SO的 上面写着TZX 哪位大侠知道是上面芯片不? 你对着图测量一下是不是这个芯片的,具体的型号及参数看下图。希望可以帮到你

开关电源上用的一个6脚贴片芯片封装上面写着Bdf,谁能告诉我芯片名字? 上图啊如同破案,上面有任何符号,标志都不能放过.

求一个V/F芯片 6引脚贴片封装 基础频率由单片机提供 可以实现2路电压信号的差分转换 谢谢! AD654挺好用的~PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD654 is a monolithic V/F converter consisting of an inputamplifier,a precision oscillator system,and a high current outputstage.A single RC network is all that is required to set up anyfull scale(FS)frequency up to 500 kHz and any FS input voltageup to±30 V.Linearity error is only 0.03%for a 250 kHz FS,and operation is guaranteed over an 80 dB dynamic range.Theoverall temperature coefficient(excluding the effects of externalcomponents)is typically±50 ppm/°C.The AD654 operates froma single supply of 5 V to 36 V and consumes only 2.0 mA quies-cent current.The low drift(4 μV/°C typ)input amplifier allows operationdirectly from small signals such as thermocouples or strain gaugeswhile offering a high(250 M?)input resistance.Unlike mostV/F converters,the AD654 provides a square-wave output,andcan drive up to 12 TTL loads,optocouplers,long cables,orsimilar loads。

