英语翻译 未来我能继续和你合作的英文


英语翻译 Wish everything fine with your work.Wish you happy with your work.Wish you happy and joyful with your work and life from now on,and have a good mood forever.I hope that we would have chance to cooper.英语翻译 我们想继续我们的未来业务,你有合作伙伴在印度?如果没有的话,最好可以发送一些产品给我们,让我们检验一下.英语翻译 1.Thanks for your gracious presence。2.It's my great honor to have dinner with you.3.Our company,during the past year,could not have made such achievement without your big support.4.I sincerely hope our company,in the future,can still get support from you as before.5.What you did for our company is greatly helpful,which are deeply appreciated.6.Here's to our cooperation for a common goal.7.Hope we have a cordial working relationship in the future,and appreciate your esteemed company's contribution to this project.8.Thanks for your support.Hope we can make a further progress in the upcoming cooperation.9.With your support,our company is on the right lines now.Hope we can keep on cooperation with each other in the future.这句话英文怎么说 Thank you for your support of price during former co-opreration.后面一句我还真有点困难。Jason那前面一句不好。需要修改.希望我们以后合作愉快的英语句子怎么说 希望2113我们以后合作愉快的英语:I look forward to a smooth cooperationlook的短语:1、by the look of it 看样子2、Look in 往里5261看,查阅,顺道走访41023、Look ahead 瞻前;未雨绸1653缪4、look on to 向外眺望,俯视,朝向,对着例句:1、The whole town was looking forward to the bloody fights of the gladiators.全城百姓都在盼望着角斗士们的血战。2、Review the past and look forward to the future.回顾过去,展望未来。扩展资料look 读法 英[l?k]美[l?k]1、vt.看;期待;注意;面向;看上去像2、vi.看;看起来;注意;面向3、n.看;样子;面容词义辨析:look,see,observe,watch这组词都有“看”的意思,其区别是:1、look 侧看“重”的动作。2、see 指看见。3、observe 侧重以客观的态度进行观察。4、watch 指用眼睛跟随某物,以便对每一个变化、运动等进行观察。例句:1、Next term we'll be looking at the Second World War period.下学期我们将研究一下二战时期。2、Anne Holker looks at the pros and cons of making changes to your property.安妮·霍尔卡会研究对你的财产进行变更的利与弊。英语翻译 Look forward to the future,we are full of confidence.Be also that we reinforce the cooperation,develop rapidly in 2009,realize our common goal's 1 year.We will continue mutually,holding out and cooperating with you,build further with you build mutually beneficial cooperation buddy relation winning together.I expect that you can as always,give attention and hold out to my department here,also sincerely,I attend to and the cooperation relation keeping a long range's,fine,rapid and intense,and deepening,the business increase,gains quite great enduring development commonly between promoting us unceasingly.Make us help each other when in the same condition,advancing together,seizing the right moment hand in hand but upper,common create especially fine tomorrow。Wish you and you family keep healthy,whole family happy,are as lucky as desired finally。英语翻译 对于之前产生的误会,我感到很抱歉.关键问题是,你们必须持有这些文件,负责这件事没法进行下去.我说过,这边的规章制度很严格.如果你们没有记录文件或者分析批准书的话,我们不会对你们的产品感兴趣.不过如果你能够提供这些记录文件(是专门的记录文件,有很多页的,不是那种只有一张两张的纸)和分析批准书,我们就可以讨论一下价格和以后的合作.非常感谢.帮忙翻译下面一句话 谢谢你的温馨的短信.我们非常高兴您能满意我们的接待工作,让客户满意是我们最大的宗旨.我明天会发你报价单,期待我们未来的合作.有空欢迎再来南京玩,晚安.Thank you for your sweet text message.We are very happy t.英语翻译 June.19.2o11Dear Mr John Brown,I'm Wang Ming,manager from the sales department.Thank you for ordering the latest products of our company.We're very happy to cooperate with you,Your ord.


