找有关医疗器械质量管理论文的参考文献 医院消毒供应中心论文


医院感染的预防与控制 论文 医院32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333262343233感染的预防与控制【摘要】目的 加强医院感染管理,预防和控制医院感染的发生。方法 建立健全医院感染监控体系,强化医院感染意识,做好医院感染的各项监测。结果 通过规范化管理,医院感染率达到卫生部标准。结论 医院感染控制必须通过有效措施,以科学监测为依据,以感染管理为手段。【关键词】医院感染管理 预防 控制 监测【Abstract】Objective To strengthen hospital infection management to control and prevent the hospital infection.Methods Management monitor system of hospital infection has been established completely.Awareness of hospital infection has been enhanced.All kinds of monitor methods of hospital infection have been improved.Results Hospital infection rate reached to the requirement of Ministry of Health by standardizing management.Conclusion Hospital infection must be controlled by effective messure,scientific monitoring basis and infection management means.【Key words】hospital infection management;prevention;controlling;。

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