英语翻译 Abstract:With the development of the bioinformatics,EST plays an importent role in nuclear marker-developing,new gene isolation and identification,analysis of gene expression profile,anotation ot genome fuctions,gene silico cloning and so on.This paper introduces the principle of EST technology,technical route and the research in genetic map,physical map,isolating and identifying new gene,gene differential expression,the research in comparative genomics and the general situation of the DNA wafer preparation.This paper sumarizes the research status of EST,and makes an outlook to EST.Keywords:genome;gene;research status;EST.
人类基因组计划的终极目标和最初目标分别是 答案:AB
SSR与ISSR在应用上有什么区别 应用上没有多大区别,搜一下文章你会发现它们常常是一起用的.像物种亲缘关系和遗传多态性研究、DNA指纹库的建立、遗传图谱的构建和基因定位及分子标记辅助育种等方面都有应用.它们最大的差别可能就是与SSR标记相比,ISSR引物可以在不同的物种间通用,不像SSR标记一样具有较强的种特异性.另外SSR要求有大量的已知序列,对遗传背景研究比较多(有大量测序)的物种适合,而后者不需要知道SSR两端的碱基序列,引物相当于随机引物,有一定的通用性.this is it。