我三天没出门玩 用英语怎么说 三少出门的英文


我三天没出门玩 用英语怎么说 I haven't gone out for three days 资讯 网页 问答 视频 图片 良医 地图 英文 音乐 软件 翻译 360问答 搜索答案 我要提问 。

尽量少出门英文怎么说? 尽量少出门英文可以表达为Try to go out as little as possibleyou should avoid going out too much

英语习语中的隐喻有哪些?要有具体一点的例子,三四个左右,谢谢 例子:1、A smile is a sunny morning.2、Sorrow is a grey sky every day.3、Her trust was his comfort.4、His words became a compass for his life.这些是高中新课标英语必修六page50中的隐喻句子。如果你是找英语的俗语谚语的话:看看这个:A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。A bully is always a coward.色厉内荏A burden of one‘s choice is not felt.爱挑的担子不嫌重。A candle lights others and consumes itself.蜡烛照亮别人毁灭了自己。Close mouth catches no flies.病从口入A cat has 9 lives.猫有九条命。A cat may look at a king.人人平等。A constant guest is never welcome.常客令人厌。Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩。Adversity leads to prosperity.穷则思变。Adversity makes a man wise,not rich.逆境出人才。A fair death honors the whole life.死得其所,。


