年轻的时候我们想要改变世界 我在年轻的时候有一个伟大的愿望,想改变世界,但是随着我的年龄的增长,我发现我不能....这段话出自何处?


求威斯敏斯特教堂碑文英语原文 Legend has it that these words are written on the tomb of a bishop,buried in the crypts of Westminster Abbey in London:When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits,I dreamed of changing the world.As I grew older and wiser,I discovered the world would not change,so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.But it too,seemed immovable.As I grew into my twilight years,in one last desperate attempt,I settled for changing only my family,those closest to me,but alas,they would have none of it.And now as I lie on my deathbed,I suddenly realise,If I had only changed myself first,then by example I would have changed my family.From their inspiration and encouragement,I would then have been able to better my country and,who knows,I may have even changed the world.Just don't give up on trying to do what you really want to do.Where there is love and inspiration,I don't think you can go wrong.\".

怎么写关于“改变你自己”的议论文 虽然很想帮助你,但是我还在念初中/寒这位姐姐请加油/扶着墙闪走

有个故事 大概是 一个人在他年轻时候想要改变世界 等他老了的时候 他才发现 他改变的只能是他自己 -很bai久很久以前,人类都还赤du着双脚走路。zhi有1位国王dao到某个偏远的版乡下旅行,权因为路面崎岖不平,有许多碎石头,刺得他的脚又痛又麻。回到王宫后,他下了1道敕令,要将国内的所有道路都铺上1层牛皮。他认为这样做,不只是为自己,还可造福他的人民,让大家走路时不再受刺痛之苦。但即使杀尽国内所有的牛,也筹措不到足够的皮革,而所花费的金钱、动用的人力,更不知几何。虽然根本做不到,甚至还相当愚蠢,但因为是国王的敕令,大家也只能摇头叹气。1位聪明的仆人大胆向国王提出谏言:\"国王啊!为什么您要劳师动众,牺牲那么多头牛,花费那么多金钱呢?您何不只用两小片牛皮包住您的脚呢?国王听了很惊讶,但也当下领悟,于是连忙收回成命,改采这个建议。据说,这就是\"皮鞋\"的由来。想改变世界,很难;要改变自己,则较为容易。与其改变全世界,不如先改变自己-\"将自己的双脚包起来。改变自己的某些观念和作法,以抵御外来的侵袭。当自己改变后,眼中的世界天然也就跟着改变了。如果你希望看到世界改变,那么第1个必需改变的就是自己。是这个吗?希望对你有帮助!


