生活水泵气压罐材质有要求吗? 气压罐 英文


请英文能力者翻译一下。 When the device is in a normal state,if the pressure level in the tank drops,control cabinets start fill pumps to the tank fill water up to the set value if the system pressure drops below a set value,control cabinet starts to fill the tanks of air compressor gas to air-water equilibrium.After receiving the fire signal,control cabinet control low pressure solenoid valve on the bottle to start,low pressure gas-driven high pressure bottle bottle bottle combination valve is opened,high pressure gas through pressure relief devices relief backward into the pressure tank to the gas appliance water goes into fire-fighting water system.After completely goes against the effective volume of water,low liquid level switch control air solenoid valves,cut off the connection of equipment and fire-fighting water system to prevent gas entering the system

消防气压罐属于增值税哪个税收分类?变频控制柜属于增值税哪个分类? 你要编码还是什么?

稳压泵与气压罐的工作原理是什么呢?希望老师说的通俗易懂!谢谢1 消防2113稳压泵(气压)罐的工作原理1、消防气5261压罐的消防水4102总容积分为3个部分,即消1653防贮水容积(调节容积)、缓冲水容积和稳压水容积。2、系统平时的压力由稳压泵提供,当压力升高,达到稳压水容积的高水位时,稳压泵自动停止运行;当压力降低,达到稳压水容积的低水位时,稳压泵自动开启,将稳压水容积提升到最高水位。如此循环以保持系统的高压状态。3、当发生火灾时,随着消火栓的投入使用,系统压力开始下降,当降至消防贮水容积的最低水位时,停止稳压泵,自动开启消防泵灭火。


