世纪海上丝绸之路”(见右图),据此回答 关于一带一路中肯尼亚


急求翻译一段话,谢谢了 The author is Hongren Wang.She entered a foreign company when she was 22,but left a year later.She made up her mind and carried less than 30,000 RMB to have her journey started.On her way,she kept meeting thrilling,unbelievable people and things.Up to now,she entered one industry for a year and then left and move to another.From south Asia to Middle East,then to Africa,she has walked through than 10 countries including Nepal,India,Sri Lanka,Egypt,Jordan,Israel and Kenya.I've read lots of travelling books,but rare of them are like hers,with both specific and concise descriptions.On her journey,she did each and everything full by her heart,and fully experience the joy from them and enjoy.Those who never went there,are truly wondering about the feelings about traveling,sojourn,leave and keep going through different countries.The meaning is just under the feet.

15万除以千分之六是多少? 150000÷(6/1000)=150000×1000÷6=25000000

世界第一大江是什么 应该是长江.因为\"江\"是中国人特有的叫法,在世界其他国家,没有江与河的区别,所有的河流都叫河.所以要说江那只能在中国范围内考虑.要是说河,我查到的资料如下:第一大河/流域面积最大的河:亚马逊河亚马逊河是南美第一大河,也是世界上流域面积和流量最大的河流.亚马逊河发源于秘鲁南部安第斯山脉,一路向东,沿途接纳了1000多条支流,全长6400千米,最终注入大西洋.亚马逊河流域面积705万平方千米,约占南美大陆总面积的40%;每年注入大西洋的水量约6600立方千米,相当于世界河流注入大洋总水量的1/6.第一长河:尼罗河尼罗河(Nile)是世界第一长河,源于非洲东北部布隆迪高原,流经卢旺达、布隆迪、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、乌干达、扎伊尔、苏丹、埃塞俄比亚和埃及等9个国家,全长6600多公里.最终注入地中海,是世界上流经国家最多的国际性河流之一.“尼罗河”一词最早出现于2000多年前.关于它的来源有两种说法:一是来源于拉丁语“尼罗”(nil)意思是“不可能”.因为尼罗河中下游地区很早以前就有人居住,但是由于瀑布的阻隔,使得中下游地区的人们认为要了解河源是不可能的,故名尼罗河.二是认为“尼罗河”一词是由古埃及法老(国王)尼罗斯(nilus)的名字演化来的.


