蝙蝠侠3黑暗骑士崛起经典台词 蝙蝠侠 黑暗骑士 崛起 台词


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跪求蝙蝠侠前传3 黑暗骑士崛起里面阿尔弗雷德跟韦恩说的一句台词 Bruce Wayne:There's nothing out there for me.韦恩:外面的世界已经不再属于我了。Alfred:And that's the problem.You hung up your cape and your cowl,but you didn't move on.You never went to find a life.To find someone.阿尔弗雷德:这正是问题所在。你把斗篷面罩束之高阁,却没有真正放下。你从没去寻找真正的生活,去寻找那个.Bruce Wayne:Alfred.I did find someone.韦恩:阿尔弗雷德,我的确找到过那个人。Alfred:I know,and you lost them.But that's all part of living,sir.But you're not living,you're just waiting,hoping for things to go bad again.Remember when you left Gotham?Before all this,before Batman.You were gone seven years,seven years I waited.Hoping that you wouldn't come back.Every year I took a holiday,I went to Florence.There's this café,on the banks of the Arno.Every fine evening I'd sit there and order a Fernet Branca.I had this fantasy that I would look across the tables and I'd see you there,with a wife,maybe a couple of kids.You wouldn't say anything to me,nor me to you,but 。

蝙蝠侠3黑暗骑士崛起经典台词 wonder how you ever thought you could liveso large and leaveso little for the rest of us. 塞琳娜:暴风雨要来了,韦恩先生。你和你的朋友们最好先做好准备,因为当它。

