英语翻译 我一个一个敲的:1.The wounded man will lost his memory and cannot remember anything.2.Without enough water,those plants will die.3.The sudden death of her husband made her very upset.4.Beacause of no.
用英语怎么说 I like surprise is better than I love surprise.Nobody said I love surprise in English.We usually use I like instead of love.
泰国是不是大部分人都懂英文?日常生活说英文还是泰文? 泰国大部分人说泰语。泰语,又称,暹罗语(Siam),是泰国的官方语言。属壮侗语系侗台语族。大部分人不懂英语,但受过高等教育的人一般懂英语。说一点英语的泰国人大概占总。