怎样用英语说 我等待着你的回信英文翻译


我等你回信给我已经很久了 几个句子翻译 1.I put a bug in your ear long since,suggested you not even think about it,but you declined to take it,now only regret is waiting for you right there2.I told you not to buy this car,but you did it the other way around,how about now?3.It's been a long time since I dropped a line to you last time,I'm wondering how you are going now?4.When could I get your 5.I have not got any feedback from him so far by now.6.I've been looking forwards to hearing from you for a long time.“我等着你的回信”用英语怎么说 I am waiting for your reply“我期待你的回信”用英文怎么说啊? 要很正规吗?一个例子:I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.怎样用英语说\ I am really looking foward to your“期待你的回信”用英语怎么说 Look forward to your reply.英语写信中问候常用语:How is everything?一切都好吗?How are you getting along these days?I miss you very much.你近来过得如何?我十分想念你。Thank you for writing to me.谢谢你给我写信。How are you?你好吗?I hope everything is all right.我希望(你)一切都好。英语写信中常用结尾语:Please write back soon.请速回信。Please give my love to your family.请代我问候你的全家。Take good care of yourself and write often.多保重,常来信。I hope to hear from you soon.我希望不久收到你的信。I look forward to our next meeting.我期待下次相会。英语写信注意事项:结尾语的第一个字母要大写,最后还要加上逗点。在信封的左上角写「寄信人」的名字和住址。在信封的中间或右下角偏左的地方写「收信人」的名字和住址。在信封的右上角贴上邮票。住址中常用字,有简写的多用简写。在结尾语下面的署名必须亲自签名,不可用打字的,而且在签名之后,也不加任何的标点符号。“我期待你的回信”用英文怎么说啊? I am expecting your reply.I am looking forward to your reply(writing back)【希望百帮助到你,若度有疑问,可以追问~问~祝你答学习进步,更版上一层楼!权(*_^)】英语翻译 1 I have waiting for you for a long time2 I'm waiting for the girl for me to reply/call back3 Why don't you back to a message to her?4 I'm sorry,so late your letter/email back,because work too busy.5 so late,don't give her back to the text,will affect her rest“我期待着你的回信”的英语怎么说? Looking forward to your“我等着你的回信”用英语怎么说 I will wait for your return credit.“期待你的回信”在英文中怎么说? Your willbe higly appreciated。这种说法常用语商务往来Waiting for your 一般用这个就可以了

