英语翻译 Xizhu Village,Jiaoxi Town,Jiaozhou,Qingdao City,ShanDong province,China.悬赏给我吧,保证你写这个地址能寄过来东西自我介绍的英语短文 Coming to a new place and meeting a lot of new people naturally includes introducingoneself for quite a number of times.But as Fyodor Dostoyevsky lets his narrator in the Lettersfrom the Underworld say:“By the way,what is it that all respectable men talk about mostreadily?Answer – about themselves.So I too will talk about myself.”1 So I will join in and asI have done for a hundred times this past week I will happily introduce myself another time,this time in writing and in essay style.My name is Matthias Haufe and I am from Erlangen,a beautiful town in the northern partof Bavaria,Germany.The surrounding region is known as Frankonia,which I mention,because quite a few people there pride themselves as being Frankonians rather thanBavarians.There I spent the past thirteen years of my life,going to school,doing my civilservice and later attending university.Before that I had lived in a small German village for sixyears and in Tokyo,Japan for four years.So if one takes all the。英文介绍 Hello everyone.My name is Feng Woye.I am 13 years old.I am studying at the Shaliang Primary School in Jiaozhou.I am the headboy of the class.I am out-going,passionate,and humourous.I am very glad to be here introducing myself.Next,I will perform an song for you.Please enjoy Fight As One from Bad City。英语翻译 这样Qingdao is located in the banks of Jiaozhou Bay is a beautiful seaside city.Here and pleasant climate,natural resources and is the famous tourist resorts.Qingdao is surrounded by the sea,is China's important port city,with the success of China's bid to host the Olympics,Qingdao have enjoyed rapid development,is the 2008 Olympics in Qingdao city cooperation will be held here water projects-yachts,Qingdao is with a new meet the 2008 arrival outlook,we welcome friends from all over the world gathered in Beijing sailing in Qingdao我在胶州想学习英语 我在胶州想学习I want to study in Jiaozhou我在胶州想学习I want to study in Jiaozhou
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