六年级下册英语教材全解中的期末测试答案 六年级下英语教材全解


小学六年级上册教材全解电子书 去人民教育出版社的网站啊

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小学教材全解—六年级英语下册单词 play 玩 swim 游泳 skate溜冰 fly 飞 jump跳 walk走 run跑 climb爬 fight 打架 swing荡秋千eat 吃sleep睡觉like喜欢have有buy买 take拍(照),带 live 居住 teach 教 go去 study学习learn学习 sing 唱歌 dance跳舞 row划 read books读书 do homework做作业 watch TV 看电视 cook the meals烧菜 water the flowers浇花 sweep the floor 拖地 clean the bedroom打扫房间 make the bed铺床叠被 set thetable摆餐桌 wash the clothes洗衣服 wash the dishes洗盘子 use acomputer 用电脑 do morning exercises 做早操 eat breakfast 吃早餐eat dinner 吃晚饭 go to school去上学 have class上英语课play sports体育运动 get up起床 climb mountains爬山 go shopping去购物 play the piano弹钢琴 visit grandparents拜访祖父母 go hiking去远足 fly kites放风筝 make a snowman堆雪人 plant trees植树 draw pictures画画cook dinner烧晚饭 read a book读书 answer the phone接电话listen to music听音乐 clean the room打扫房间 write a letter写信write an e-mail写电子邮件 drink water喝水 take pictures拍照片pick up leaves摘树叶 write a report写。


