就xx进行排名 英语 我本科就读于xx大学,英语怎么说?


英语翻译 planning programming of Multifunctional Plaza of XX countyXX village XXcounty XXcity英语翻译!!XX在班级综合排名是X名,共X人 怎么说???急 *ranks*in the class(*students in total)或者:ranks*in the class which has*students请问:XX市XX区的“区”用英文怎么表示? 市下面的区,一般用:District为什么有的大学叫 University of XX,而有的叫 XX University? 只是约定俗成的吗?? 5 条评论 特许公认会计师(ACCA) 91 人赞同了该回答 美国大学的命名有两种方法,是因为一种是德式命名,一种是法式命名。德式:XX University 例如。英语翻译 1.I minored in computer science&technology while majored in XX2.I have been granted post graduate study by the college due to my second best overall,however,I always admire XX and and looking forward to studying there.3.I know exactly that only perseverance and hard working brings me acheivements since I am just a nomal one without top intelligence.4.provincial programing competition我本科就读于xx大学,英语怎么说? I graduated from xx university for my first degree.OR I graduated from xx university for my undergraduate degree.在国外本科教育是他们拿到的第一个学位所以可以说成是FIRST DEGREEUNDERGRADUATE 就是就是学士的意思求翻译 'syourEnglishproficiency?andI'llstudyEnglishinXXuniversityforoneyear.个人意见仅供参考如有不妥谦受砖拍希望能帮到您祝开心xx排名,用英文怎么说 The most beautiful angel rowXx row xx排名英语翻译,XX在班级综合排名是X名,共X人 怎么说 *ranks*in the class(*students in total)或者:ranks*in the class which has*students英语翻译,XX在班级综合排名是X名,共X人怎么说 这样说XX ranks the xth in class overall ranking in a number of x students.例句:Tom ranks the eighth in class overall ranking in a number of 50 students.


