发现者纪念碑的人物塑像 1.佩德罗王子(Infante Pedro,1392—1449年,恩里克次兄)2.菲利帕王后(Filipa de Lencastre,1360—1415年,恩里克之母)3.费尔南·门德斯·平托(Fern?o Mendes Pinto,约1509—1583年,探险家)4.贡萨洛·德卡瓦略(Friar Gon?alo de Carvalho,15世纪,多名我会传教士)5.恩里克·苏亚雷斯(Frei Henrique Soares de Coimbra,约1465—1532年,方济各会传教士)6.路易斯·德卡蒙斯(Luís de Cam?es,约1524—1580年,诗人)7.努诺·贡萨尔维斯(Nuno Gon?alves,15世纪,画家)8.戈梅斯·埃亚内斯·德祖拉拉(Gomes Eanes de Zurara,约1410—1474年,编年史学家)9.佩罗·达科维良(Pêro da Covilh?,约1460—1526年后,旅行家)10.雅科梅·德马略卡(Jácome de Maiorca,14—15世纪,地图学家)11.佩罗·埃斯科瓦尔(Pêro Escobar,15世纪,航海家)12.佩德罗·努内斯(Pedro Nunes,1502—1578年,数学家)13.佩罗·德阿伦克尔(Pêro de Alenquer,15世纪,领航员)14.吉尔·埃亚内斯(吉尔·埃阿尼什,Gil Eanes,15世纪,航海家)15.若昂·贡萨尔维斯·扎尔科(Jo?o Gon?alves Zarco,约1390—1471年,航海家)16.费尔南多王子(Infante 。
英语翻译 In scholarship,Zagreb secco and Thai Hera found Madeira.1431 arrive in the Atlantic ocean and the Azores.1434 years,Jill?ella across Europe navigator,o the limits of furnish horn,dole-bo,the legendary\"the devil into the sea\".1436 years,Bauer da ya landed in both happy dole Angle first met black,the Portuguese first enter\"black Africa\".SaErWei assorted 1441 years,gong for the first time in sub-saharan black,and shipped back to capture 10 black sold as slaves.The beginning of the slave trade for centuries.1448 years,prince Henry KuiM island established in Europe,in the first black Africa,colonial settlement later become the center of the slave trade.1445 years,famous tiago and the first family of Walt Disney?tiago and navigators appearances.He found SaiNaJiaErHe,found the cape Verde(green horn).That same year,phil south diss found Gambia river.1458 years,was the last time he boat sailing.His life is four times the farthest sail to north Africa,but its career earned him\"navigator 。
发达国家人均比中国富裕的原因有哪些? well,I disagree with Lightwing'sanswer in certain aspects.(我在很多层面并不同意Lightwing的答案) 。question is simple,before the age of discovery,how rich 。