在我的努力下用英语怎么翻译成英语 英语翻译一句


英语翻译 1、他不如我努力.He's not as hardworking as I am.2、他很幽默经常使我们发笑.He is humorous and usually makes us laugh.3、Sam和Tom看上去很像.Sam looks similar as Tom.

翻译 我正在努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己 正宗英语怎么说I am trying hard to chang into what I want to become with great admiration.I am trying everything possible to turn into the person who is liked by myself.I am doing my best to make myself become such a person as I like greatly.I am endeavouring to develop into a person I would like to become with great admiration.I am making every endeavour to turn into a person I would like to be with great satisfaction.

幸运随着我们自身的努力而提高 用英语怎么翻译 用improve和 improvement做 The improvement of lucky is in the direct ratio with our own efforts.幸运的提升和我们自己的努力成正比表达自己更加努力 幸运也同时提升这样翻译更有水平


