英语翻译 苏州到昆山县共六十里,都是浅水没有陆地,百姓对往来涉水感到不便.久而久之就想要造堤,但是苏州四周都是沼泽,没有地方去寻找土.宋仁宗嘉佑年间,有人献计,就在水中用芦荻干草做墙,栽两行,相距三尺;离墙六丈,又做一墙,做法和前两墙相同.把水中的淤泥沥干,塞在干草中,等干了以后,用水车除去两墙之间的旧水,墙与墙之间都是泥土,留一半做为长堤的基础,挖另一半做河渠,把挖出来的土拿来筑堤.每三、四里筑一座桥,以打通南北的水域.不久长堤完成,到如今还有利于人民。自己翻译的,不知对否。启示:要因地制宜,根据事情本身的特点解决问题.
英语翻译 我就真诚坦率地唱:纯化论者,专家,他们不会光投射出你的影子我挥手就能把它们全兜进网中.我就说:小托姆,不要紧,光了脑袋,以为的的哈哈
英语翻译 My hometown is a small mountain village.The village around Castle Peak clear water,tree-lined.Rows of old and new houses on both sides of the road.A hill called Kunshan,mountains covered with trees and grass,the natural beauty of this small mountain village in the north of the village not far from the place.Village Primary School is located in the center,many of the children in the study here.Hometown of about 3,000 people,mostly farmers,some businessmen,life is very simple.People's lives are getting better and better