怎样对企业进行调研 企业文化,企业管理,企业网站,企业相关的税,收入,市场占有以及前景。
英语翻译 Based on such a hundred enterprises p&g company brand marketing strategy analysis,from p&g brands market research system construction,the large customer feedback information database building,high-quality product concepts,business logo and brand marketing innovation etc comprehensive analysis,the research on the international market diversification of brand marketing mode and its are in the process of how to achieve great success.Through the analysis of similar domestic and foreign enterprises,in brand marketing strategy to enlightenment,so that in the fierce competition in the era to greater market好了.
想对外贸企业进行调研,帮忙想几个问题 1.该外贸企业有没有自己的工厂?是卖单一产品还是很多种?除了提供产品,是否也帮其他没有出口权的工厂代理出口?2.通过哪种方式推广自己的产品,是通过展会还是网络B=B平台?3.是否充当某国外一家或几家进口商的代理,帮他们跟踪生产进度,验货等事宜?4,是否有自己完整的产品目录、报价体系?一收到询价可以立刻报价否?还是收到询盘后,再从阿里巴巴或环球资源网上东西南北的找产品、找报价?