简奥斯汀英文简介视频 像 成为简奥斯汀 和 傲慢与偏见 这样演员好看剧情又好的英文电影啊 谢谢


简奥斯丁的英文简介 Jane Austen was a major novelist,whose brilliantly witty,elegantly structured satirical fiction marks the transition in literature from 18th century neo-classicism to 19th century romanticism.Jane Austen was born on 16 December,1775,at the rectory in the village of Steventon,near Basingstoke,in Hampshire.The seventh of eight children of the Reverend George Austen and his wife,Cassandra,she was educated mainly at home and never lived apart from her family.She had a happy childhood amongst all her brothers and the other boys who lodged with the family and whom Mr Austen tutored.From her older sister,Cassandra,she was inseparable.To amuse themselves,the children wrote and performed plays and charades,and even as a little girl Jane was encouraged to write.The reading that she did of the books in her father's extensive library provided material for the short satirical sketches she wrote as a girl.At the age of 14 she wrote her first novel,Love and Freindship(sic)。成为简奥斯汀英文剧情介绍 The year is 1795 and young Jane Austen is a feisty 20-year-old and emerging writer who already sees a world beyond class and commerce,beyond pride and prejudice。像 成为简奥斯汀 和 傲慢与偏见 这样演员好看剧情又好的英文电影啊 谢谢谢 美国的 Serendipity 缘分天注定天使之城 梅格瑞恩演的还有很多很多啊看你喜欢什么类型的请问谁有简奥斯汀生平和介绍她作品的的英文简介?非常着急。 Jane Austen(16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817)was an novelist whose realism,biting social commentary and masterful use of free indirect speech,burlesque and irony have earned her a place as.简 奥斯汀 的英文资料. 简奥斯汀生平和介绍她作品的的英文简介Jane Austen(16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817)was an novelist whose realism,biting social commentary and masterful use of free indirect speech,burlesque and irony have earned her a place as one of the most widely read and best-loved writers in literature.[1]Austen lived her entire life as part of a small and close-knit family located on the lower fringes of gentry.[2]She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading.The steadfast support of her family was critical to Austen's development as a professional writer.[3]Austen's artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years until she was about thirty-five years old.During this period,she wrote three major novels and began a fourth.[B]From 1811 until 1815,with the release of Sense and Sensibility(1811),Pride and Prejudice(1813),Mansfield Park(1814)and Emma(1815),she achieved success as a published writer.She wrote two 。像 成为简奥斯汀 和 傲慢与偏见 这样演员好看剧情又好的英文电影啊 结局要好的 像 成为简奥斯汀 和 傲慢与偏见 这样演员好看剧情又好的英文电影啊 谢谢 这是我帮你准备的.估计你可以看到嫁人为止了.哈哈《情归阿拉巴马》《曼哈顿灰姑娘》《两小无猜》《上尉的曼陀铃》《我爱贝克汉姆》《倾城佳话》《触不到的恋人》《律政俏佳人》《灰姑娘的玻璃手机》《真爱之吻》《魔法奇缘》《男女变错身》《魔法灰姑娘》《27套礼服》《盲目约会》《贱女孩》《高校天后》《情话童真Ever After》《纽约时刻》《平民天后》《家有美妞》《女兵报到》《小记者大侦探》《一吻定江山》《足球尤物》《第一女儿》《鸿孕当头》《戴珍珠耳环的少女》《偶像有约》《魔法双星》《倒霉爱神》《辣妈辣妹》《尽善尽美》《少女妙探》《当哈利遇上莎莉》《征婚广告》《爱你九周半》《牛仔裤的夏天》《校园威龙》《中央舞台》《录取通知》《少而不宜》《恋爱刺客》《摇滚校园》《冰上公主》《辣妹保镖》《超完美男人》《街舞少年》《一球成名》《九岁人生》《BJ的单身日记》《欧洲任我行》《领家女优》《情迷哈瓦那》《铁腕校长》《美国处男》《失败者》《大人物拿破仑》《我为玛丽狂》《成名在望》《对面的恶女看过来》《拜金女郎》《麻雀变王妃》《阳光小美女》《女校报道》《窈窕美眉》《四。


