请专业人士检查并修改以下托福作文语句,主要看有没有语法错误 托福阅读错误类型及例子


托福阅读明明都读懂了 为什么还是做不对题 那有可能原因有下面这么几个:原因1,词汇不够。原因2,语法不扎实。原因3,逻辑思维方式。举个例子:The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected,as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process。这个句子,你是怎么理解的?“*沙漠化是源于或者*沙漠化导致很多的土地与很多的人*需要注意下面几点:1.是result from,注意这个FROM,是“源自于”的意思,不是“导致”。2.是affected是后置定语,意思是”被影响。3.平常看到的信息是:人的因素导致沙漠化。这里作者认为是“人被沙漠化影响”,不要把自己认为的常识或者自己知道的信息强加在文章上。看原文看原文看原文。以上都是语言的细节。这些细节要靠平常单词的积累和牢靠扎实的语法来支撑。所以检查单词,检查语法,要么可以自己做做老托福的语法,多分析错题;同时,要自己做翻译练习,找出自己的错误到底在哪里。

托福的阅读很差该怎么提高? 托福考试在两个月五个月以后各有一次,现在还处于阅读看不懂的水平(TPO觉得基本读不懂)非常着急,阅读应…

请大牛们检查并修改以下托福作文语句 1.Doing sports will not only increase people's metabolism but also strengthen their immunity.For instance,in the past,many high schools in my city canceled the PE lessons(class or coures)in order to make students focus all their attention to study(若用focus后面加的是on,用attention的话前面固定搭配是pay).As a result,the number of students who were absent from school due to(coming down with a cold可改成illness,这里不要过长)increased rapidly,which has a bad influence on both the student’s life and the school’s routines.From this case,the consequence of neglect of health is(换回was吧,这样文段统一一些,因为你下句又用了过去式 表明句子在例子里)obviously acknowledged.After restoring physical courses,this situation was just alleviated.2Hunger is no longer a pressing problem facing our world.这句话说得很别扭 food shortage is no longer a urgent problem we are suffering now.可以这样改吧.an increasing number of them began to focus on the nutritious value of their foods.这里的them指代不清 。


