入货通知的英语是怎么说 Delivery Note 到货通知,是发货方出具的Receiving Notice 是收货方出具的英文翻译,求帮助 Thanks for your support.When the products arrive and the good are despatched,we will send you an email.Please don't worry/take easy.希望能够帮到楼主【英文翻译】这家船公司要求提供通知人(notify)的联系方式,因为会发到货通知(Arrival notice) The ship company needs the contact information of notify party(tel/fax/email etc.)'couse they have to give Arrival Notice to the notify party while the goods arrived the desitination port.You can ask not to show the contact infos on B/L,but they must be provided.换单地址用英文怎么说 Please advise the contact information on the D/O exchange(或者 handling)agent,including name of the company,phone and address.Thanks.入货通知的英语是怎么说 Delivery Note 到货通知,是发货方出具的Receiving Notice 是收货方出具的已经一周了,为什么还没有收到到货通知? 英文怎么翻译 It has been a week,why not received the arrival notice?请及时通知我到货的时间的英文 Please inform me of the time of arrival in time请及时通知我到货的时间英语翻译 Please arrange shipment as soon as possible,but we changed a freight forwarding company,please notify warehouse personnel deliver with TNT(payment account number:78444),thank you!Also,please help me confirm the exact arrival time of the following materials marked in red,as it has exceeded our expectations for a long time.英语翻译 there is no stock for this type,we are glad to inform you late as soon as it delivered.请不要忘记发到货通知,英文怎么说 Please don't forget to send arrival notice.
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