我要去外地上学 只能住校 但好多人觉得走读好 有相关经历的人 分析一波高中住校吗? 南阳一高住校还是走读


疫情学校必须让走读生住校 您好,特殊时期为了您的安全,请您遵守学校规定. 当前在线律师:,咨询律师免费,3~15分钟获得解答!紧急咨询 1位律师回答 葛宏鑫律师 主办律师 河南光法律师事务所 。

我要去外地上学 只能住校 但好多人觉得走读好 有相关经历的人 分析一波高中住校吗? 在外地上学只能住校。住校也有住校的好处,学校会安排好晚自习等,这样让学生更好的利用时间学习,而走读的话可能没有那么严格要求,自觉性不好的学生在家自己不会安排时间。总之,既然只能住校,那就克服所有困难,相信会有好的收获,同时也锻炼自己的自理能力。

关于寄宿学校还是走读学校60词的一篇英语作文 Whether Students Should be Non-residential or NotRecently,many people discuss about whether students should be non-resitential or not.Generally speaking,both ways have the benefit and unconvenient sides.In my opinion,all the students should be resitential.Firstly,if the students are all staying at school,they will comunicate with each other very well.It is good for them to know about each other and develop their relationship.As the most of the students are only child in their families,staying at school can prevent them from feeling loneliness and train their ability of communicating.Secondly,walking to school from home everyday should wastes alot of time,it is quite convenient to stay at school.Thirdly,it is easy for school to manage the study and life of the students.All in all,i think students should stay at shool after cla望采纳谢e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333337386563谢


