考虑以上因素,我们可以得出的结论是的英语怎么说 我们的讨论能够得出结论英文


英语翻译 Most people expect that the government could be committed to environmental issues.However,some people hold a different opinion-they claim that environmental protection starts from each individual.In view of the points above,we come to the conclusion that both sides have undoubtedly their own reason.But I tend to be in favor of the latter.根据之前的阐述,我们可以得出结论------英文? According to the previous statement,we can draw a conclusion that…according to sth.根据…draw a conclusion 得出结论综上所述,我们可以得出结论,诚实很重要英语翻译 On basis of all above,we can draw the conclusion that honesty is very important.英语翻译:谈论之后我们得出了一个结论. We drew a conclusion after discussion.考虑以上因素,我们可以得出的结论是的英语怎么说 considering about the above facts,we can conclude that.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*_^)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!英语翻译 We will do a further discusion to make a conclusion.It is said that a relic of an acient city is found on the bottom of the lake.通过讨论,使我们得出了一个结论.这个句子哪里错了 通过讨论,使我们得出了一个结论.去掉“使”,有这个使字,使得整个句子没有主语“通过讨论”是状语,主语是“我们”谓语是“得出”宾语是“结论”正确改正:通过讨论,我们得出了一个结论.最后通过热烈的讨论我们得出一致结论 翻译成英语 Finally through the heated discussion we draw the same conclusion我们一得出结论就通知你 英文翻译 We will inform you as soon as we come to a conclusion;If I was him,I would try/do my best to finish the task on time;This college provides all things which he expected;You should made the best use of opportunities/chances to speak英语翻译 We donate money to the victims of the earthquake in Yunnan province.We came to the conclusion that we should stick to our plan.He got up early in order to catch the first busShe's very honest,so we all trust her


