

歌词里有 我要去看那最远的地方 ·····一道曙光在前方 张韶涵唱的歌名叫什么 “我要去看得最远的地方”这句歌词出自《看得最远的地方》。《看得最远的地方》作词:姚若龙作曲:陈小霞演唱:张韶涵歌词:你是第一个发现我越面无表情越是心里难过所以当我不肯落泪地颤抖你会心疼的抱我在胸口zhidao你比谁都还了解我内心的渴望比表面来得多所以当我跌断翅膀的时候你不扶我但陪我学忍痛我要去看回得最远的地方和你手舞足蹈聊梦想像从来没有失过望受过伤还相信敢飞就有天空那样我要在看得最远答的地方披第一道曙光在肩膀被泼过太冷的雨滴和雪花更坚持微笑要暖得像太阳你比谁都还了解我内心的渴望比表面来得多所以当我跌断翅膀的时候你不扶我但陪我学忍痛我要去看得最远的地方和你手舞足蹈聊梦想像从来没有失过望受过伤还相信敢飞就有天空那样我要在看得最远的地方披第一道曙光在肩膀被泼过太冷的雨滴和雪花更坚持微笑要暖得像太阳有时候觉得我们很不一样你能看见我看不到的地方有时候又觉得我们很像都爱仰起头不听命运的话我要去看得最远的地方和你手舞足蹈聊梦想像从来没有失过望受过伤还相信敢飞就有天空那样我要在看得最远的地方披第一道曙光在肩膀被泼过太冷的雨滴和雪花更坚持微笑要暖得像太阳

请问一下《看得最远的地方》这首歌的含义是什么? 哦哦,我想应该是在与人,与生活,与感情方面,不要执着于单方面,而是要往更大的方面去想,尽可能把所有的阳光都撒在自己的身上。并且与自己最想的

有哪位高手能翻译这歌词吗?看得最远的地方 A Place Where I Can See the FurthestYou're the first one who found meThe emotionless I am the grieved I getSo when I am unwilling to tremble with tearsYou will hug me in your chest with loveYou understand me than anyone elseYour desire swam in your heart,but never on your faceSo when I fell and broke my wingsYou didn't help me up but stood by me,learning how to endure pain with meSometimes,I feel we are very differentYou can see places that I can't seeAgain,sometimes I feel we are very alikeWe both raise our heads,not listening to the words of fateI'm going to the place where I can see the furthestDancing and talking about dreams with you thereLike we've never been disappointed nor hurtLike we still believe that as long we dare to fly then there'll be skyI'm going to the place where can see the furthestAnd put the first golden sunlight on my shouldersI was splashed by the coolest raindrops and snowflakesBut I must keep smiling and be warm as 。


