别说了,饭来了,吃饭 英文翻译,不要直译 Don't say any the meal is ready,let's eat.别在外面吃饭 用英语怎么说 Don't eat out/Don't dine out要按时吃饭、别饿到!翻译英文 要按时吃饭、别饿到!Want to eat on time,do not be hungry!别说了,饭来了,吃饭 英文翻译,不要直译 Don't say any more,the meal is ready,let's eat.别在床上吃饭怎么翻译成英语? Don〃t eat(food)on the bed。Don't have lunch on bed Do not eat meal on the bed Don't eat on your bed!please not eatfood on the bed Don't eat in bed!“你吃饭了吗?”,用英语怎么说?要特别准确的英语! Have you had your dinner?就行了英语翻译 没兴趣的人还回答干嘛,大牌脾气,其实不就是为了那2分.When having dinner,let the elders eat first.Don't stick the chopsticks in the bowl.Don't tap the bowl with chopsticks.Don't open the packaging of the.英语翻译 1.Stop waiting,they won't be back for dinner.2.Can you send this letter by email,please?3.Will she be the one who gets up first again?4.There's going to be a new building on campus next year.5.英语翻译 We were having a meal when the the phone rang.We were at table when the telephone rang.While we were having a meal,the telephone rang.“我还有事要忙,你先去吃饭,别等我了”用英文怎么说,谢谢! I still have something to do.You don't need to wait for me,just go and have your dinner.
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