(你表弟想住在哪儿)用英语怎么说? 你的表弟是做什么工作的 英文


表弟的英语是什么? 表弟的英文:cousin英[?k?zn]美['k?zn]n.堂[表]兄弟姊妹;远亲,同辈1、In a way I think we both won:I the game but cousin Ed my respect.在一定程度上32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333366306535,我认为我们都赢了,我赢得了这次比赛,伊德表弟赢得了我的尊重。2、Now I have to answer that letter from my cousin.现在我得回我表弟那封信了。扩展资料相关词:一、brother英[?br?e?(r)]美[?br?e?]n.弟弟、兄弟;同事,同胞;同志如果你没法和你弟弟和睦相处,就滚出这座房子。1、If you can't live in peace with your little brother then get out of the house.她和弟弟妹妹一起过着平凡而幸福的生活。2、She led a normal,happy life with her sister and brother二、relative英[?rel?t?v]美[?r?l?t?v]adj.相对的;相关的;相互有关的;比较而言的n.亲属,亲戚;相关物;亲缘植物(或动物);[语法学]关系词1、Aware of such a relative,but never interfered with his life,the impression is very vague.知道有这么个亲戚,却从来没有过问他的生活,印象非常模糊。2、He inherited a big fortune from a 。

我和我表弟都努力工作用英语怎么写?My cousin and I work hard.我和我表弟都努力工作

英语作文速求 Dear Tony,How are you?I have heard your problems.Since you have gone to a new school,you have to learn how to get along well with others.Here I will give you some advices,first,you can try to communicate with others when you play with them,and make some new friends.Second,you can take part in all kinds activities out of class.Last but not least,you need to keep a positive attitude towards life.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerelyPeter

#你的表弟是做什么工作的 英文

