律师咨询,中视购物,货到后发现跟广告上的不一样,我想退货怎么办。 中视购物guanggao


有谁知道如果在中视购物上订东西的话真的会像广告那样说送什么礼物就送什么礼物吗 电视购物别当真

Cctv中视购物上广告的东西可以买吗? 个人认为那个都是骗人的,价格都很贵质量没有保障,还不支持保修退换货,现在网购很方便,可以在淘宝 京东 苏宁 易迅 当当 这个都是值得信任的网站

2013年中视购物广告的背景歌曲女的唱的英文歌 Boy,you let me downI tried too hard&I feel numb NowThat crooked smile&the charm that drew me inYour beautiful eyes,Can hide so many thingsYou were my Four Leaf CloverMy pure white doveYou were my lightning strike&my knock on woodMy hope,my faith My luck,loveYou were my shooting star That lit up the skyThen you broke the mirror&made me cryNo hope,no faith No luck,no loveJust ordinaryoh I'm not nieveBut I thought you were the perfect thing For meDon't get me wrongYou can be wonderful sometimesBut then you're lostAnd you can't look me in the eyesYou were my Four Leaf CloverMy pure white doveYou were my lightning strikemy knock on woodMy hope,my faith My luck&my loveYou were my shooting starThat lit up the skyThen you broke the mirrormade me cryNo hope,no faith No luck,no loveJust ordinaryOhhh Just ordinary nowOhhh yeahhhh ohhh Ordinary ohhhhYou were my Four Leaf CloverMy pure white doveYou were my lightning strikemy knock on woodMy hope,my faith。


