深圳坂田毛家饭店李春香 英语作文:假如你是李华,从本地网站上得知某外资餐饮公司需要招聘周末兼职服务生,欢迎中学生应聘.


我想做电热采暖 我家的房子120平方 电热采暖实际施工是100平方 现在担心用电量大 首先你理解上有个误区 在配置采暖设备的时候并不是按照使用面积配比的应该按您房产证上的建筑面积来计算其中有几个参数决定了你房间选用电采暖设备的功率房屋类型节能房 普通房还是独立房有没有冷山墙 是不是1楼或顶.

开个60平方米的小餐馆八张桌子两夫妻经营每月有多少纯利润? 应该是求总边际利润的.根据题意设食品总边际利润为X饮料总边际利润为Y则:X=1,000,000 X 75%X 40%750,000 X 40%300,000Y=1,000,000 X 25%X 60%250,000 X 60%150,000X+Y=300,000+150,000=450,000答:食品总边际利润为三十万元,饮料总边际利润为十五万元,餐厅总边际利润为四十五万元.

英语作文:假如你的服装店出售衣,帽,鞋,袜等,请根据图画提示,写一则销售广告(价格自拟). Welcome to my Clothes Store.My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes.A pair of shoes is only forty dollars.There are three different colors including white,blue and yellow.There are also many different kinds of dresses.There are black,green and red dresses.The price of a dress is ten dollars.Red,while and yellow sweaters are sold at fifteen dollars.White and blue shirts are sold at ten dollars.Different hats including black,red and white ones are sold at six dollars.Lastly,we sell bags at fifty dollars and glasses at twenty dollars.Why are you waiting?Come and shop here。(108字)


