帮我修改一下英语论文,主要是一些语法的错误,词用得不准确,语句不通的. 英语阅读错误论文


我在写关于英语书面错误的分析,那么论文我应该写什么,课题实施方案又应该写什么 论文是课题实施方案的成果.课题研究是实施方案、.

请问你第一次写英文论文出现哪些错误? 他的格式写的不对,所以说一定要多多的看一些书

帮我修改一下英语论文,主要是一些语法的错误,词用得不准确,语句不通的. Should student(s)be allowed to bring laptops to school?I DON'T think student(S)should bring laptop(S)to school.Computers are WILDLY used by people NOWADAYS,WHICH HAS BEEN changing our life.People use COMPUTERS to study,watch videos and play games.ComuputerS can also help students ON SO MANY THINGS.Students can search information and OBTAIN data for their study;THEY CAN ALSO INTERRACT WITH EACH OTHER OVER THE INTERNET,WHICH HELP BUILD FRIENDSHIPS AND SOCIAL CONNECTIONS.HOWEVER,WHY should NOT studentS be allowed to bring laptopS to school?PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING.I DON'T think studentS should bring laptopS to school.FIRSTLY,IT WOULD DIVERT THEIR ATTENTIONS ON STUDY.SECONDLY,这里不知道你想表什么?THIRDLY,StudentS might compare the PRICE of their computerS.I did some research on internet about how university studentS use their laptop computerS,and it shows THAT,MOST of the studentS spend 2 hours or to watch movies,listen to music,play games and read novels ON their computers。.


