我觉得这儿的路不如我们家乡的路宽 i though the roads here were____ 这儿的路和我家乡的路一样干净英语


我觉得这儿的路不如我家乡的干净??用英语怎么写? I I think zhe raid here is not as clean as my hometown. 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 科学 汉语 英文 问问 学术 更多? 。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号

英语翻译 家乡的变化我的家乡是一个很漂亮的居住地方.但二十年前,它只是一个又小又旧的贫困小镇.大部分的人都是农民.那儿几乎没有工厂.人们都住在很小的房子里,没有足够的食物.只有很少的孩子有机会接受好的教育.大家都过着艰苦的生活.但是现在,随着中国的发展,很多都已改变了.尤其是在过去的十年中,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化.我们已建起了很多的高楼大厦,现代化的学校和漂亮公园.街道变得更宽更干净.人们的生活条件变得越来越好.而且,所有的孩子都能受到好的教育.现在,我们都过着幸福的生活.我对我家乡的变化感到非常兴奋.并且我相信我的家乡会变得越来越好.欢迎到我的家乡来.The changes in my hometownMy hometown is a beautiful place to live.But twenty years ago,it was just a small,old poverty town.Most of the people are farmers.There is almost no factory.People live in a small house,do not have enough food.Only a few of the children have the opportunity to receive a good education.We are living a hard life.But now,with the development of China,a lot has changed.Especially in the past ten years,great changes have taken place in my 。

英语翻译 1.I come from a beautiful city2.In Jiangxi Province3.It's because a well-known and well-known classical Wugongshan4.Its name is Pingxiang5.My hometwon is not large6.However beautiful clean7.I love my.


